In the Google Ads interface, there are no ways to easily create Responsive Search Ads in multiple adgroups at once. With Adalysis, you can create as many RSAs as you want in seconds.

Using this tool, each of your selected adgroups will get one RSA, where the headlines and descriptions will be inherited from the Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) of the same adgroup. You can define which metric should be used for picking up the elements to be included in the RSAs, set limits, and add some of the elements manually. 

How to use the tool? 

Under the Adgroups tab, select the adgroups where you would like to create an RSA and click Create ads → Create RSA ads from ETA ads

Tip: Before bulk creating ads, you can apply built-in or custom filters, such as only selecting adgroups of a particular campaign or with a specific label. 

  1. Specify what to do if some of your selected adgroups are paused or already have an RSA (best practice is to only have one RSA per adgroup, so you might want to skip these adgroups). 
  2. Choose the metric defining which elements of the ETA of the same adgroup should be used in your RSAs. You can choose to inherit the best-performing headlines and descriptions from your text ads based on their impression volume, CTR, CR, or CPA. 
  3. Set the maximum number of headlines and descriptions that should be inherited. The best practice is to include at least 5 headlines for the algorithm to perform better. 
  4. If you want, you can enter a few additional headlines and descriptions - these elements will be the same for all selected adgroups.
  5. Don’t forget to preview your RSAs before publishing! 
  6. Click on Create RSAs in selected adgroups to publish your ads.