Ad Alerts

Disapproved image ads
Adalysis will check your account daily and alert you whenever it finds disapproved image ads. You will see the alert under Audit Alerts / Ads on your Dashbo...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Disapproved text ads
Adalysis will check your account daily and alert you whenever it finds disapproved ads (you will see the alert under Audit Alerts / Ads on your Dashboard...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Disapproved RSA assets
Adalysis will alert you if any of your active RSA assets (headlines or descriptions) are disapproved.  By viewing the alert data, you will see a list of ...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Adgroups with no ads
To help you spot instances where adgroups do not have any active ads, Adalysis will analyze your account daily and alert you whenever it identifies such cas...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:20 PM
Adgroups with one ad
When an adgroup has only one active ad, this adgroup will not be included in the automatic daily testing.  An ad test needs at least 2 active ads before it ...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:20 PM
Adgroups with too many ads
During the daily checks, Adalysis will trigger an alert if any of the adgroups have more than 3 (or your custom number) ads. You will see the alert under Au...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:20 PM
Adgroups with duplicate ads
Whenever you have duplicate ads in the same ad group, you will see a corresponding alert under the Audit Alerts / Ads tab on your Dashboard.  Yo...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:21 PM
Ads using unsecure URLs
Google Ads recommends using secure URLs (https instead of http).  Ads with a Final URL or a Mobile FInal URL that don't meet these criteria will be f...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:21 PM
Text ads that are not fully approved
Adalysis will notify you of all ads with an Eligible Limited status which means they are not shown all the time when they would otherwise be eligible.  In s...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:21 PM
Ads with falling CTR
Adalysis will alert you if your ads show a consistent downward trend in CTR, which is not related to weaker visibility (i.e., no significant change in the s...
Wed, 16 Aug, 2023 at 7:21 PM