When you have an adgroup with some high volume keywords having an above average (green) Ad relevance while others have a below average (red) Ad relevance this indicates that the below average keywords don't match the ads as well as the other keywords. 

In the example below, the 2 keywords that are below average have the word 'agent' in them which the above-average keyword doesn't. This could be the reason why the ad relevance is poor. In these cases, it is recommended you move the below-average keywords to a different adgroup and better tailor ad to these keywords. 

Adalysis will notify you when it finds high volume keywords with both above and below-average Ad relevance in any adgroup. 

Adalysis will monitor your keywords' Ad relevance in every adgroup and if it finds any adgroup with some keywords (100+ impressions in last 30 days) that have Above average Ad relevance while others have a Below average Ad relevance in the same adgroup, it will notify you on the dashboard as shown below (under Audit alerts / Keywords).

Clicking on the dashboard alert will open the list of adgroup with the keywords that have poor Ad relevance.


Clicking on the adgroup name will open the 'Ads' screen by default. Click on the 'Keywords' screen to see the keywords. The adgroup will have a mixture of keywords with 'above average' (green) and 'below average' (red) Ad relevance. 

Moving the keywords to a new adgroup

You can move a keyword to a new adgroup individually by hovering over it and using the tools provided.

Alternatively, you can select multiple keywords and use the bulk option as shown below.